Home Fight Kyshawn Davis’ “Galaxy” Galaxy “after Berchyk?

Kyshawn Davis’ “Galaxy” Galaxy “after Berchyk?


Coach Bernie Tha Boxer predice KEYHAn Davis will go to “Another galaxy” After Defest Wbo Warnypy Showpy Leve Willy Not in his head to Madison Square in New York City.

Bernie Hariershawn KEYSHAn (12-0, 8 ki) will be a Star Direct that fighting doesn’t want a fight against Gervonta Davis against Gervont Davis against Gervonte Davis against Gervonta Davis against Gervonta Davis against Gervonta Davis against Gervonta Davis against Gervonta Davis. This is the guy she spoke on all its promotion of her struggle against Berifying (19-0, 9 kos), mirrors more than the guy in front of him.

Maybe keyshawn can go to the Hd1 galaxy13.5 billion lighting, and find the perfect opponent to turn it into a real star. It does not happen here with their limited time left to 135.

Chase the payment

Bernie says keyshawn is already “top of the class “ to 135 with their performances since turn proceed to four years ago. Yet bernie feel kewyhawn need not try that it is the best in fighting and does not make business. “

In other words, keyshawn only the money involved with their risks. Reverses that, it’s going to take non-risky lights, who made it all care. It just seems that the whole career of keyshawn is a Hustle. I am

“Where keyshawn goes to another galaxy. It’s not hype. It’s past all of their flight color,” said Coach Bernie Tha Boxer to Fighter About their expectations for Keyshawn Davis is Friday night victory against the WBO Browley Daypy Berinthyk.

“Once we (keyshawn) become a world champion. It’s boring. Now we had to another galaxy. He has a hat to exhale him. One of the newer samples , the youngest, exciting.

“Tank they have no class or no history. I have never heard keyshawn is a star, and he wants to be a star. She’s put on great performances. Keyshawn is a must- See. We don’t have to have no belt in the line. “

The cut of weight

I’m not knowing that Bernie was noticed how Kyshawn blows after the reidding and how you looked today, but it will not be longer. Making the limit of 145 seems to kill Keyshawn, and it is to be 140, to the minimum, if not 147. When you are not redimented in the middle of the 150s, you should not be combat to the 135.

If Kyshawn wins the Saturday night against BERINTHYK to capture WBO’s belt, won’t go to the next galaxy unless you talk to the light in Light (140). From Davis can indeed you could, but also that foot class will not be for him to do it because it’s a real 147-pooder.

If keyshawn chosen to stay at 135, it’s not going to get some of these three:

– Gervonte Davis
– isax ‘pitbull culz
– Vasily Lomenhenko

These are the only three KEYShawn guys wishes, for can you get a great fighter payment, not because of a legacy. I don’t fight her friend Shakur Stevenson.

Card champagne letter

More likely, keyshawn it will do two or three title of title, against the opposition of nouns before they were forced to pass up to the 140 or 147 after he does not succeed. WBO’s tidy do not increase the popular type to win, and their defenses will be unknown, like those, he has completed his carer.

“The fact that is the top of his class. You can’t be but the champion when you are the best. Hope you receive the chance to register on the learning you are a big sumamarian:, Badded.”Because they are supporting the tank When does nothing like a champion?

Fans want to see Davis of the tank because it is exciting to look at it, he discard, and their fights bring drama. It’s not being maneuvers as Keyshawn is, avoiding a guy who beat him four times, andy Cruz, and be boring most of the time. The only career of KEYSHANA’s fighting that you were funny was his clutter against the lemos lemos lemos. This guy has been slow, easy to fill, and come out of a loss to Richardson cites.

“Keyshawn is an entrepreneur. It is a comer, and if it gets, as the other guy (Andy Cruz?). Keep talking about the other guy. That’s (Olympics) silver ( keyshawn), so what are you talking about? “Bernie said.

The apologies given by Kewyhawn and Bernie for why they didn’t take the fight with Andy Cross are not credible to fans because he is below him. The Recent Adversaries of Keyrawn, Miguel Mudenu, Miguel Maya Pedraza, and Nahir Alberts, do not combate of Olympic gold meditates such as andy Cross. They have not beat keyshawn four times in lovers.

“His (Andy Cross) the entire identity is based on Keyshawn. It is never beat. It’s never woned against Keyshawn. Then that makes is out of his coatives.” said bellie.

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Last updated 0/092/2025


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