After 1,759 games are the second floor and only two are cross -border, Venezuela Jose Altuwe He made his debut this Friday as a left gardener with Houston Astros.
With the advent of players of internal paintings such as Mexican Isaac Barrots, Christian Walker, Brendon Rodges and Venezuela Louis Kilor, the Houston team will be tested this season this season, which is trying to add to his game.
Venezuela played tickets in five matches, winning the stars 3-2, but the hitters of the San Lewis team did not connect the ball to the left forests, which prevented Altway from showing their defensive skills.
#Astros #Houston #Venezuela Jose Altway
– Tony Menandes (@Tonimanents 21) March 1, 2025
“I hope the next game is very exciting.
The absence of this move by Altuwe in the left garden, at the Palm Beez’s Kotti Park in Florida, showed their dissatisfaction with the stars house in the previous season. “They are annoying because I don’t,” Altu said about it.
The stars manager, Puverdo Rican Joe Espada, assessed the performance of Venezuela. “In general, its positioning was good, and it moved with some hiters, it was like it was owned there. There would be more chances of this,” Espada said.
On the next Sunday, when the stars visit the Washington Nationals, Altu will return to the left garden