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Emmanuel Reyes Pla, angered by the loss of his Olympic bronze: “I never imagined that I would have to search on the Internet how to look after it”


Boxer Emmanuel Reyes Pla, Olympic bronze at 92 kilograms She once again showed her strength in the Paris Games Anger at himMedal fading, This time through his LinkedIn profile. He is prophet, It already is He raised his voice months ago as his condition worsened.It leaves a reflection on how much it costs to win it and how it should be forever, because it represents a collective effort, getting worse every day.

“¡I can’t believe what’s going on with the medals Paris 2024 Olympics! When I won my medal at Paris 2024, I never imagined that I would have to search the internet for how to look for it.. But here we are. It turns out that “Olympic medals that symbolize effort, dedication and fulfilled dreams have faded”, Reyes Pla wrote.

Is it bad? However. Is it awesome? at all As athletes, we are used to facing challenges in the ring, but we never thought that the real challenge would come after victory,” he continues.

I am used to facing challenges in the ring but I didn’t think that real challenges would come after the victory

Emmanuel Reyes Pla, Olympic bronze in 92kg category at Paris 2024

“Now, a lot We are learning to preserve what is meant to be eternal. It’s not about waste, it’s about protecting what symbolizes collective effort: Mine, my team, all those who believe in me,” he concluded. And he showed the current status of his bronze medal through a picture.

Damaged medals

Paris 2024 Organizing Committee It was announced with great fanfare before the Games that the medals were going to be unique. Each one was different The center is decorated with an original piece of iron from the Eiffel Tower. He turned to Chaumet the goldsmith, World famous for craftsmanship, LVMH to create them. But what should have been a “gem” that has held its beauty over time has ended up as a regretful medallion in the case of bronzes.

And it’s not that the metal has been depleted for months, just days after winning them. Many athletes denounced their poor condition on the networks. A week after the American Naija Huston Achieved a Olympic bronze on skateboardHe told his case. “These Olympic medals look great when they’re new, but after a bit of sweat sits on my skin and I let my friends wear them over the weekend It seems that he has returned from the war“.

Paris 2024 bronze medal status.

Olympic champion in mixed walking relay and bronze in 20 km walking, Alvaro MartinHe also spoke at the time about the poor state of bronze medals: “The color seems to be peeling off.. I stored it in the box they gave us so that it would wear out as little as possible with air or oxygen.. I don’t know the reason. This does not happen with gold, which is perfect“.

They are not the only ones. In the background of many criticisms.. Paris 2024 announced that bronze medals will be replaced It seems that they have declined but they haven’t yet, or, at least, not all of them. The bronzes in question are 85 mm in diameter, 9.2 mm thick and weigh 455 grams and They are made from an alloy of copper, tin and zinc.

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