Home Fight Dana White compares Conor McGregor to Muhammad Ali: “He’s on his level…”

Dana White compares Conor McGregor to Muhammad Ali: “He’s on his level…”


Mwhile still in the air if the return of Conor McGregor (22-6) will take place at UFC 303 on June 29, Dana White, the CEO of the MMA company, has not hesitated to put it on Muhammad Ali’s table, one of the greatest athletes of all time. Of course, before anyone throws their hands up… clarify that he has not compared the size of both. Yes, a specific aspect.

Concretely, the mental war. And these days there is debate about whether the doubts with the Irishman and his physical condition are real… or it is a paripĂ© with which ‘The Notorious’ is playing. In any case, Ali was also very much into ‘playing’ with his rivals and dominating them outside the ring.

These were the words of Dana White:

“I’ll tell you this and I never like to compare people to Muhammad Ali because for me he is the greatest. And I’m not talking about what he did fighting, but what he achieved as a human being. But, I don’t care what they say. Ali and Conor are on the same level when it comes to mental warfare. They are the two best of all time when it comes to mental warfare,” Dana began.

Ali and Conor are on the same level when it comes to mental warfare

Dana White

And he added: White continued: “If you look back at Ali and see what he did to George Foreman in Africa. Look at what he did to Joe Frazier throughout his entire career. Joe Frazier hated Muhammad Ali so much. He showed up in his field and did everything. He predicted assaults. He would come up with amazing poems and sayings and things he would do before a fight. And then you look at Conor McGregor, who has chosen rounds, the mental warfare that this guy had in a lot of his fighters. And he would get these guys into his game, he would get into their heads. She embarrassed them, surpassed them in every way. He is literally on Ali’s level when it comes to mental warfare.”

He would get these guys into his game, he would get into their heads. She embarrassed them, surpassed them in every way. He is literally on Ali’s level when it comes to mental warfare.

Dana White sobre Conor McGregor

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