Home Fight Crawford vs. Boots: a new destination after canelo agreement fall

Crawford vs. Boots: a new destination after canelo agreement fall


Turkey al-Sheikh has gave up on his efforts to make a fight between Alvarez Alvarez and Crawford Thirteen for September. He will try now to put together a crawford skewford vs. Jaron ‘of the beautiful in 2025.

Mike cosperer reports that Turkey has “suspended efforts “ To get the cook-crawl-crawford made after the caneo chose to face Jake Paul on May 3. Turki now you want to make crawford boots that fighting is the hello bows and fans wish, but crawford (41-0, 31 kos) was reluctant to take.

Turki shift

The cockinger does not say why the turiscu has chosen to give up to make fight between crawford and canele for September. There are the noises that the lost tourism to make sight-crawford because he does not want to put an event that you will have to deliver in less than the PPV numbers vs the cane vs

Perhaps terence will fight boots now because alternatives at 154 are brutal. Division is loaded with sharks that would be the party on a aging fighter as crawford.

By approaching the cut of 37 years to accept a fight against young-in Killer boots (33-0, 29 Kos) could be difficult for Turkish. If CRAWFORD only insists to the fight to the canele for the PayDay, I wouldnt like the idea of ​​a smaller burrow against boots.

All the Mayweather crawford tactics and his arm plan ‘mcindyre to use the cane won’t work against boots. It’s good for cutting by the ring and had a lot to pray lately with their two lots against Karen Chukhadzhnian.

The éner is many more offensive of Madrimov, and could ruin the unbeaten register of Ruin Terence. If it still turns on the back of his mind he can get the Payday canele in 2026, boots could spoil that dream.

It is not clear if the tourist will try to negotiate the cane vs. crawford vs. If you don’t want to have a younger event, you don’t want to always make up to next year.

Crawford is a good fighter but his sociality and social media are reaching out to years under jake’s. A fight between terence and canele will not have close to when you canele-Paul if faded in PPV.

The SWEightWeight SWEightweight WBba WBba WBA WBAn WBAn in a season in a unification of April in Atlantic city, New Jersey. After that fight, boots is free to face CRAWFORD.

Last updated 02/06/2025


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