Home Fight Cangy eyes mbilli or scul

Cangy eyes mbilli or scul


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Long-Time Trainer / Manager, Edy Reyno, He said sclay (23 Kos) and Mbilli (28-, 23 candidates to be the two candidates.

Why mbilli? / Why do you scull?

Mbilli would be alvarez of the opponent a lot of alvarez because of their power, tall work rate, agreter. It would be as a smaller opera, more fathers of David bavidz, attack non-sustained.

It would have an absolute a Ad of Advantage for allow and fight mbilli, but it would be a sof for German, competitive, competitive to look. You could not know a victory to mbilli, and would not be a shot tremely at this point in the canele career. His stamina is so bad now, and he looks too thickened for his frame of 5 “

Number of these two-handed bothering you will attract canele canele followers and there is no much to choose from 165. Singles, 34 years has Basten all interesting contenders now this David Morrell and David Benavidez are no longer in weight class.

The cougar of couny school a 12-round-ravevira cover to Vladimir Shishkin on October 19 in Stadthalle, FALKENSEE, Allow. The scull has not shown a lot of power or talent in that struggle and was lucky to be given a victory. Many boxing fans feels Shishkin should have won.

The lack of the school punch will be problematic if he lands the canelo fight because it is too weak to compete. However, has the good skill and could be able to steal around Alvarez, like Edgar BĂ©langa has fighting the 10th of September.

In the first half, fighting has been a face, with cane totally dominating the indimpaced beranga. But in the second half, alvarez dedicates evil, that allowed berlanga to come and returned to some success.

Canele should be engaged to prepare a title defense against Boxer / Pitch Teargence Crawford in September. Stay strong is essential for the canele because Crawford is a high level combat with speed capacity, and mobility.

The waiting for crawford

Intersected, crawford (41-0, 31 Kos) will be sitting up to September and will make the year of the canelo year since. However, Crawford has been fighting once a year since 2020, and has not affected. I was fighting the cutting notion, and that is obbiable.

CarthFord has a good corner since u 2020, an even, Israen Madrimimas, and had a buttoning time that battle so last August. The year 37-year did not look well against Madrimimov, that is not a surprise because of his sparks and weakness of Daily in the last six years.


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