Home Fight Canele pro: crawford clash to eclipse mayweather’s 2.2 million ppv purchases, despite...

Canele pro: crawford clash to eclipse mayweather’s 2.2 million ppv purchases, despite their drawing of their lack


Singing Cantez Alvarez spend possible against Manda Crawford on project more payment for the Superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr. In trust in 2.2 million ppv purchases on the shoptime.

A united Alvarez Alvarez’s Champion Fighting (41-0, 31 Kos) was spoken to netflix as part of TKO box. Unfortunately, that doesn’t sound the reality based. The crawford is not a popular combat between boxing fans no more hardcore.

Greater than floyd?

While Allies alloy I like to bud crawford and enjoy her tip style of defense, the US fans have never been excited with his career. They have not shown in their career as having with the figures with more errol styles (in front of the car) canele, David, Davidz.

Turki has taken the wrong combat to hit his wagon around because US fans are not crawford’s enthusias. They don’t like the idea behind 40 years in two-year-old movement to challenge cane for their 168-lb titles. Here’s a gimmick fight.

The Omaha, Native Native Native Crawford is the exciting style and Charisma to be a PPV anomma than Thaarmu a fight against the canele. Didn’t make no effort to increase their popularity on social socialities the way fighters, and it’s too late now for him to start the area

The crawford numbers

– Israil Madrimov: 200,000 purchases on DAZN & ESPN
– ERTROL SPIN: 700,000 on Showtime
– David Avanesyan: 120,000 on blk prime
– Shawn Porter: 190,000 to ESPN
– Amir Khan: 200,000 in ESPN
– Viktor postol: 60,000 on HBO

The sole fight in the crawford career that brought in good ppv numbers has been their fight against errol jr. in 2023. Success has been due to success, not crawford. It’s not a payment drawing and their recent wrestling against Hariith Milytovu that with the lacking numbers that has brought.

“I think it will be greater, even of the Mayweather’s fight. It will be greater than:” said Cantez to ILL TV About his / her potential fight against the TERENCE CRAWFORD is greater than his match against Floyd Mayweather Jr. In 2013 to Showtime. “Yes, I think (canelo-crawford will make views of sight by sight by the mayweather-canele) struggle.”

Even with netflix showing sudden fight vs. Cryford, it is probably less numbers than the last wrestle against Edgar Berlanga on September 14th. That event has brought 650,000 purchase.

Last updated 09/07/2025


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