At the first preliminary of David Bavid, Mayweather Blue Prosperous Prosperous Prosperous Prosperous “Great Deal £ Zaldivar (5-2, 3 Kos) in the third time.
In a match that was primited for eight rounds of some of the 18th birthday has displayed an immense amount of talent in a short time. MOTON shown the aggression, speed, power, technique, work allue, accurage, and punch if you poke.
After connecting with a pair of Jabs Stiff, Curmel Moon has landed a fleet of shots on the head and body of his opponent. Moton has controlled the majority of the first time, but zaldile closed the end by pressing forward and connecting to a pair of loud left hooks.
In the second time, zalalivar continued to apply pressure and took by a hard coovement left hook. Motel uses his offensive attack from the above on the above while landing the combinations to the zallivar body on a number of occasions.

With 45 seconds left to go to the second time, MOTON hanging a hook of most of the left handed? At the beginning of the 3rd of the MOTON MOTON Tap Zaldhivar with a few times, and then Moton proceeded to land the BiavadeZ-Style David in the head and body of his opponent.
At the back of the third time of the third time, curmel moton and Frank zalaliavar was in the pocket and exchange exchanged. MOTON has landed a strong three-fist combination than the pushic tags in the ropes. MOTON was in attack mode while flipping multiple shots that have been able to penetrate high zalalivar guard.
The Harvey Dock Insert has observed as Zaldhor took full beat but had not been running any shots of him. DOCK was ready to stop the fight but God has zaldar a final notice when he said, “I have to prove something frank.”
The Xalzu of 28 years zalalivar did not respond to the referee’s notice while he continued to hit solid shots. When the zalivator noted the referee was not generating any offense, decided to pass and put one step to the contest.
With victory, curmel moton (7-0, 6 kos) officially made it off the mobnative expectation is to continue to remove a total of four to five ring appearance.