David Bavidez is not to merry a merance of Crawford merge in his Power Fight against Champion Forel Albeelweight Alvarez September.
Unick illintent A Sonna Pass, Jose lavadadez Sr, DV really have this positive. You don’t know you crawford (41-0, 31 Kos) could be acquired that it has been lost for more than five years old the superstar.
Benavadez unrolled
Don’t yield benavidez if he was angry because Crawford would be from 154 and get a straight title against the canele (62-2-2, of division.
The fight hasn’t been made but is believed that the al-Sheikh Turki will take place. Canelo-crawford is a fight that hardcore boxes want to see. The random fans would be less interested but you would have caught in the hype and follow the ppv, even if it is not a clash they have not interested. Crawford is not a big star out of the ultra-hardcore fan.
“It’s a good fight. I don’t have anything against anyone. Crawford is a great combb., Said David Benavadez to 210boxingtvApparently not knowingly bitter, talking about September pastry between Alvarez Alvarez and Crawford sob.
“Honey, Crawford is to come from 154 is two classes of weight above, but crawford is crawford. It is a good combat. If someone can beat the cane, it’s crawford.
“I don’t think it comes up to 178. I think that 185 is come,” DISHA WAYS WAITED when he thought you think about Crawfords. “I am done with 168,” He says David, whether to go back to the back until 168 for away on those thoughts. “No, I did (with Super Weightweight).
“Fighters have not happened 168. See Crawford is fought all these people. I am worried about 175,” said Benradeez.
It is difficult to know if binavavidez is serious to believe crawford can win this fight. It could be hiding their true feelings to avoid the appearance rising, who cannot handle the canele of the canele in favor of an undeservated combat.
In the companity of the water, he canelo said, he has given not BaviDez a struggle because he may not love him.