Home Fight Bayeron Munick and Bayer Lavargusen losed in Pandeslica

Bayeron Munick and Bayer Lavargusen losed in Pandeslica


Pocham spoiled the Bayern Munich for him 125 Birthday Bayer Levergusen fell to the vertenger Breman, showing the chance to reduce the distance with the leader, and is in the hands of the Pandeslika ‘Bavian’ squad.

Bayer could not celebrate the victory of the club in 125 years of the club, with a tiebus with a red card with a red card with a standing stand in the stand and was happy in 28 minutes after 2-0. The Poosam cut off the distance and returned with the Jakov Medico for a while as of 31, but Joa was left at the age of 42.

The number of ‘unpleasant’ was beneficial from superiority and the game was able to connect with a little Ibrahima Sisoko, and the surprise rose in 71 minutes when Mats Pero was sealing the audience’s reprimand.

Levergusen fell in the most timely moments against Breman, opening the Romano Schmid score and sentenced to Justin Engima at 90+4, but the most worrying thing was that Floslika was a change of injury, because Pandeslica left by eight points Bayern Munik.

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