Home Fight Bavididez Sr. Deals to Dain Paul For Canelo Low

Bavididez Sr. Deals to Dain Paul For Canelo Low


JOSE BAAVADEZ SR. Says, it i do

Surprisingly, Jose SR. it doesn’t sound bitter About Paul is the lucky person who is to fight the canele cane (62-2-2, 39 Ko) for the Son to son, Benavadez, don’t have the opponent of displaying the superstar.

Plenty plot?

Of course, volunteers to help jake can be seen as the way of Benavidez SR to go back to the cane to ignore his son all of these years. The Paul Formant would be their way to get along with himself as he was attention to himself as a popular coach. And Paul traveled to pull a miracle under his eyes, you will help belief of Raise Jose SR sr as coach.

Canelo-Paul Mantry isn’t done for the pocket, but the possible fight has billed with the ring news with the terence crawford be off for September. If Alvarez sucked up on Mini Mini to Mega’s Cunzes, at a time Jakes Paul’s producers receives the chance of the canele face in hand and maybe September.

With the type of lots that a fight between the cane and jake chaul to broken, two matches make sense while the first contest is competitive.

“I would have to cheer for Jake because I know Jake, and it’s a great person. I would offer my services to train Overy something could do to sustenate, “said Jame Bellavadez Sr. to Millistic boxVolnerererering to Train Jake Paul dore weapon Single Alvarez.

“This would be a good thing. Fortunately (from Paul) or something. We know how to see that, we see the big progression that Jake is doing. It is young, and strong. What is possible when you have inside. The angerush for him (to unfine canelo) “said Benavadez Sr.

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Last updated 02/06/2025


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