Home Fight Bavididez 174.2 vs Morrell 174.2 – Weight results for Saturday

Bavididez 174.2 vs Morrell 174.2 – Weight results for Saturday


David Vavidewez and WBA ‘Region “Light Heardion Champion Champion Debits both in 174.2 lbs on Friday Sera Vegas.

The weight drug game

Benavidez (29-0, 24 kos) has looked like a vampire This week, with its emociated, no life. It was cut weight to get down to 175, and is everribly been the night for him.

You probably Re -Drate up to 200 lbs To fight against Morrell (11-0, 9 kos) and have a weight advantage inside the ring. This is not intentionally on the part of bavidez. It was a dimension of size for years, but due to their youth, if he is able to throw for 168 and now 175. As the first bully, always a weight bully. ‘

The SALPTIONING CRICKINGS DRAWING THE CLAUSES OF THE 10-LB REBRIBRACTIONS TO PRESPLE THE WARE HIGH WEIGHT COLBATERS. This should be a standard rule in each division with all government bodies for security purposes.

Their weight handle takes to him eventually, according to each face in competitor in the small divisions below where you have to be. In the last part of bavidez against Oleksandr GvIDTDY, retracted to him when he has removed after the six hoops and take a horenda beat and dropped off.

We can see the same thing happened Saturday night, but Morrel turns too hard for Benavidez to make the full of 37-year

Official weights

David Benavidez 174.2 vs. David Morrell 174.2
Isaac ‘pitbull’ Cruz 138,6 vs. Angel Clerro 139

“With this guy, there is no respect”, said David Benavadez to the Averagetalking about David Morrell. “‘Peace & Love’ ‘” said Beatnz, Mowing Thanking Days during their final arms conference. “I am not surprised because it is afraid.

“They didn’t think it would take you. I was dood. I wasn’t duke. I was larger as you had to build his name,” said Benavodezwow on morrel.

That sounds like typical hogwash From the bavidez, saying that he chose to fight morrell because it was taken “big key.” Call these guys “” biggest combat “for benavidez than morrower?

Caleb plant
Demoons and race
Olemsandr gvoxyk
Kyrone Davis
David Limieux
Ronald Ellis

Those are not famigasier more, but, benavidez wanted to avoid talented talent, made sense for those menus. Plant is the best of those commoners, but had already beaten by cane and shown that it does not have power. Is a fight fighter, and is the younger way than benavidez.

“When I would like to do this braver where you were in position where they could not say no no nos:” He says Benavideeez on Morriell Team. “Now that time is here, didn’t say anything. I’m afraid. I can tell her eyes. I feel the fear of someone, and I feel 100% with David Morrell, is afraid of me.”


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