Home Fight America is not tired of recovering and retrieving the leading

America is not tired of recovering and retrieving the leading


Brazilian coach champion Andre Jardin won 1-2 to PubelaThe man who played for 53 minutes with a man in court went to the leadership of the Mexican Football Classura 2025.

As a result of the sixth day, Alejandro Genthezaz and Henry Martin were dismissed by Eagles and Ricardo Maran via homeboat.

Despite his plenty of crimes of his competitor, the game was repeatedly dirty, the United States imposed conditions, and in the 14th minute he took advantage of a goal from Gentgez.

Chilean Vector Devila smashed the ball in the cross, with Genthezas regeneration and left handed 0-1.

In the year 37, the Colombian Bryan stayed with a man in the court for the expelled Angulla; A few minutes later, Martin used a safety error and expanded the benefit of bluegrames with the right goal.

In 45+4 minutes, Puebla was close to waiver with the advent of Colombian Louis Quinons, but goalkeeper Louis Malkan saved the United States.

Eagles were looking for good with advanced taxes for the second time, but they were not very effective. Puebla ended up and with the help of Jessas Rivas in 73 and dismissed Maran’s goal.

The Colombian World Cup reached a point above the lion of James Rodrigue, the United States reached five wins, one draw and 16 units.

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