Home Fight 40-50 million lost millions: How Turkey Al-Sheikh has smoked the Sauelo-Paul opportunity

40-50 million lost millions: How Turkey Al-Sheikh has smoked the Sauelo-Paul opportunity


Turki Al-Sheikh missed an excellent opportunity to install what you call “The big fight‘Transve Alvarez and Teen Crawford in September choosing to pursue the clash Jake Pak for May 3.

Like Chris Mannix points, canele vs Paul served 40-50 million keyboard on netflix, and many would have become alvarez fans. I would be interested in watching the “big turki fighting” between the canele and crawford on September 13 in his Riyadh season.

Moreover, Jake has 28.7 million Instagram Followers and 20.9 million youtube subscribers, so a struggle between him and the canele should be announced. I’ll probably turn a profit instead of the 3rd canele’s 4th wILLIAM SCland loses money on DAZN. Also, the PPV shopping for the canelo struggle against 37 years old crawford would be put in better number.

The lost chance

In an interview with ESPN, Turcules felt that fighting canele-Paul would not help setting crawford fight. How could it be so wrong? The Turks Pens Allo vs William SCL is the perfect setting for Crawford? If fighting if seen from less spectators than jake pa pa paused, how does it help their great struggle? “Is it intentionally obtained?

There will be a lot of a very little interest by the fans in canele. It’s not even at the dash of the canelo’s bet against Edganga September. This is an unpleasant struggle that makes nothing for cane and it doesn’t help install the circus fight against crawford.

“Also that latch canelo-Jakea’s lukewhat, I have not recommended in the future”, he said Chris Mannix on him Youtube Channel, that discussing the likelihood of Alvarez Canelz choosing to fight Jake Paul in the future. “Obviously, in the cane’s mind to do this fight.

“You said he wants to be fighting many more years. Jake Paul is in two years, I’m going to fight. If the canele is still a higher level, at least in terms of merchant, my believe we have come to beelo. If you like it or not, it’s going to go. “

“Edgar Berlanga cuts. Bought no-one, and he wounded with the dust of canelo Alvelluz. Jake suddenly cut a massive angle. Wore the line in a great great, but the fighters cut the line all the time. Most fighters are not marvin hagler. “


Canelo vs. Paul can happen, because there is too much money in that match, and help her career. William Scull doesn’t help you canelo, nor fight to Bruno Surance or German Charles. A claim with the bivol dmitry won’t create a lot of interest. The bivol is not popular in the world and don’t definitely not in the were fighting style is boring, and has nothing to say in interview. No carism. None of the fighters that have been floated as guys than the turki plans on the correspondence against the canele are popular, even crawford. It’s not popular outside Omaha, Nebraska.

“All participants I’ll try to get the geake that Jake Paul has,” Mannix said. ‘Turki al-Sheikh should hug this tight jake paul Because there is no chance can lose. Canele beats jake Paul every day of the week and twice to Sunday. It’s a fact. It’s a fight that you would look for a lot of people. “

I will kill the jakes maked the Paul conza because of the potoloing a number of people who looked at you, who has tortured the base of canele fan. If turkis wants a massive amount of people to watch cane to fight crawford, having fight jake I would do it.

“At netflix, you’ll probably get 40, 50 million hide games looking at that fight,” he said MANNUX. “This brand the canele brand. One way, grows the canele marriage, and for the extension is fighting jake in front of utterance, front of many oats are going to see a September. They can want to see the canelo struggle in Riyadh in February or October.

“We don’t talk opponents that goes to muture the needle in May”, he said Mnnix. The guy who canele will be fight in May is William Scull, what is a complete complete. Canelo vs scull won’t attract a lot of interest from fans.

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Last updated 02/05/2025


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