Home Fight Dawn of the Viral Phenomenon: The Ring Girl from the Jake Paul...

Dawn of the Viral Phenomenon: The Ring Girl from the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson Fight


Sidney Thomas After his participation, he became a protagonist on social networks ‘Ring Girl’ In a media boxing match Jake Paul defeated Mike Tyson on points.

Sidney Thomas, the viral ring girl from the fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson@iamsydneythoma

A 20-year-old young model, student at the University of Alabamashared her preparations to become a ‘ring girl’ on her TikTok account.

Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson will be the five ring girls of the evening

Sydney Thomas was one of the five ‘Ring Girls’ selected along with Virginia Sanhouse, Lexie Williams, Delia Sylvain and Rafaela Milagres at the event held at the AT&T Stadium in Arlington (Texas).

Sidney Thomas, the viral ring girl from the fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson@iamsydneythoma

Sydney Thomas, Viral Ring: “She’s the real winner of Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson”

Sidney Thomas, who became a viral phenomenon over the weekend on social media, is named after him “The Real Winner” The fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson.

Sidney Thomas, the viral ring girl from the fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson

“When I woke up, I was trending on the Tyson vs. Paul fight…I’m glad you enjoyed the broadcast!”

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