Home Sports Mass demonstrations across Italy for peace in Gaza and Ukraine

Mass demonstrations across Italy for peace in Gaza and Ukraine


Thousands of people took to the streets in several Italian cities on Saturday to demand an end to the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. Protesters also called for a United Nations-led peace conference.


Tens of thousands of people marched in various Italian cities on Saturday to call for peace in Gaza and Ukraine. In Rome, approximately ten thousand people walked through the city center waving. Giant peace flag in front of the Colosseum.

The demonstration was organized by the Italian Disarmament Network, the CGIL union, several centre-left opposition parties, the Association of Emergency Combat Doctors and several smaller pacifist associations.

Protesters call for an end to the war and a peace conference

Many of the protesters were concerned about the large numbers of civilian deaths in the wars in Gaza and Ukraine and called on Giorgia Meloni’s government and the international community to take renewed action. A peace conference is being held under the leadership of the United Nations.

Other demonstrations were held in Turin, Milan, Florence, Bari, Palermo and Cagliari, with the support of hundreds of groups calling for peace.

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