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Moldova at a turning point: tensions with Transnistria ahead of EU accession referendum


In October, Moldovans will vote on EU membership as a constitutional goal. A ‘yes’ vote would put pro-Western leaders at a crossroads with the Russia-leaning separatist eastern region.

we are inside anointIt is located near the Romanian border, where an industrial carpet factory is located. The massive buildings date from the Soviet era, when around 2,000 workers produced carpets for the Eastern Bloc. Economic disintegration of the Soviet Union It brought with it painful changes. Political turmoil in Moldova financial crisis, epidemic, rapidly increasing energy prices and Russia’s aggression against neighboring Ukraine has created further problems. Today, the carpet factory’s workforce has been reduced to 150 workers.

How might accession to the EU affect the economy and people’s daily lives?

Ghenadie Podgornii, coach of Ungheni Carpets, remains optimistic: “Enter european domestic market “This means getting rid of all the bureaucracy related to exports and imports.”

70% of carpets are sold to customers in the EU. CFO Aliona Tiuticov believes there is more potential: “Being an EU member is added value“It’s positive for our image as a country and a company,” he says.

Management is looking to hire 30 more people, but most Moldovans work in Western Europe. Accession to the EU could bring economic stability to Moldova and thus stop economic instability. migration of people.

“Joining the EU will be an advantage for our company, it will help us keep workers in Moldova. They will no longer be forced to work abroad to earn money“, Opina Podgornii.

He also had this experience: “I lived abroad, worked in Italy for 12 years. I returned to Moldova because I wanted to achieve something in my own country. But most importantly I came back because I feel at home here“.

What do European Union workers think?

Maria industrial carpet weaver: “It’s good to enter the European Union because So wages will be higher“. Andrei, a worker, agrees: “We will sell more products in Europe and therefore we will earn more money and our salaries will increase.

Not all carpet weavers share this pro-European optimism. Another weaver was named María. I am skeptical about EU membership: “Prices in stores may increase further,” he says. However, polls show that the majority of Moldovans are in favor of EU membership. Moldova now has access to EU-funded aid programs. In this way, the carpet company was able to reduce its electricity bill by placing photovoltaic modules on its roof.

Let’s go to a central town near the capital. Chisinau. Moldova is a major exporter of agricultural products such as plums, apples, walnuts and wine. Igor Golbian founded a company producing dried organic fruits and sunflower oil. I couldn’t find Enough local workersso he hired workers from India.

Golbian plans Export to Romania, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. How is it prepared? “As an exporter, you must have a good knowledge of technical requirements such as packaging standards, storage conditions, logistics, labeling, sampling… Currently, Moldova is in a very important period. It’s our last chance to get on the last car of this train to the European Union.“.

‘Frozen conflict’ in Eastern Moldova: Transnistria

Inside Referendum to be held in OctoberMoldovans will receive First decision on EU membership. But the 27 EU Member States also have a decisive say. And this may take some time.

The Republic of Moldova is a divided country. in the east, pro-Russian separatists. Western European journalists need special accreditation to pass the checks. There are still about 2 thousand Russian soldiers in Transnistria. 34 years ago the Russian-speaking region declared its independence. But the small pseudo-state is so far not even recognized by Moscow.

We asked the people of the separatist capital Tiraspol: What would this mean for Transnistria if Moldova becomes a member of the EU?

Daria, a young woman, liked the idea: “This is a good initiative and will benefit bothfor Transnistria and Moldova”.

Tatiana, an old woman, disagrees: “We are waiting for Russia. With Russia, our future will be better, more beautiful and very joyful. Because We will be recognized as part of Russia. “Or at least Russia will recognize us as an independent state.”

Heavy industry of Transnistria dependent on free Russian gas. This situation may end at the end of December. The transit agreement with Ukraine will not be extended. No more Russian gas to Transnistria? It may be the end of many large factories. Are there alternative sources and gas pipelines?But who will pay?? Separatists? Moldovan Government?

Moldova since the beginning of the year levies export and import taxesVAT and pollution charges on Transnistrian companies and intensified the fight against it money laundering. From an EU perspective, these appear to be ordinary procedures that simply follow common rules. But this is a blow to the oligarchs of Transnistria, who hold the political and economic strings of the breakaway region.

There is also suspicion that electronic parts are ‘made in Transnistria’ Incorporated into Russian weapon systems. This is called “dual use”. Suspects include large companies such as Elektromash, Moldavisolit and Bender Potential.

Yuriy Mikhaylovich Cheban, head of the Transnistrian industrial federation, denies the accusations: criticizes strict export controls Introduced by the Republic of Moldova and calling them “politically motivated“.

‘Euronews’ spoke to him at his office in Tiraspol: “More than 40,000 people They took to the streets to protest. “We have already lost 70 to 80 million euros due to all these measures, that money is no longer in our budget.”

The so-called “president” of Transnistria Moldovan taxes called “aggression”. And Transnistria Economy “minister” Sergei Obolnik told Euronews: “Due to these taxes these products have become 15 to 20 percent more expensive, so they are now more expensive than Moldovan products. Moreover, due to double taxation and the closure of some of our bank accounts in Moldova, all the necessary tools to maintain interaction with the West disappear. This brings us to a situation where economic collapse It’s about to fall.”

We have an appointment with the real Minister of Economy and Deputy Prime Minister Dumitru Alaiba in Chisinau, the official capital of the Republic of Moldova. Preparations for the integration of the Moldovan economy into the European internal market They are on the right track and going at full speed.

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