Home Sports Have the Paralympic Games changed the perception of disability?

Have the Paralympic Games changed the perception of disability?


In late August, Paris region president Valérie Pécresse called for a massive renovation to fix Paris’ public transportation network, which is centuries old and nearly impossible to use for people with disabilities.


With the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games, Paris hopes to leave its mark on the way it is perceived and taken into account disability. These Paralympic Games They have broken several records.

Has had the largest number of participating delegations (169) compared to previous years and more than 165 television networks have followed the event.

And the public has also received the Paralympic Games with enthusiasm. On the eve of the closing ceremony, around 2.4 million entriesof the 2.5 million that were put on sale last year.

The highest number of tickets sold was 2.7 million for the London 2012 Paralympic Games.

Social inclusion, at the center of the festivities

But what remains to be seen is whether these Games They will leave a solid legacy regarding accessibility and social inclusion for people with disabilities.

At the end of August, the president of the Paris region, Valérie Pécressecalled for a massive renovation to fix Paris’ public transport networkwhich is centuries old and is almost impossible to use for people with disabilities.

But the renovation project could last 20 years and cost up to 15,000 million euros… And the viability of the renovation remains to be seen.

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