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Health authorities warn that it is “very likely” that there will be more cases of monkeypox in Europe


This article was originally published in English

EU countries should issue travel warnings for areas affected by the mpox outbreak, according to European health authorities, following the declaration of the international health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO).


The European health authorities warned this Friday that it is “very likely” what Europa vea more imported cases of monkeypox (mpox)one day after it was detected in Sweden and first case of a more serious strain spreading in Africa.

However, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) stated that “the probability of sustained transmission in Europa es very low“If the imported cases are diagnose quickly and they take measures to control them.

Mpox has been spreading since last year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and has been detected in more than a dozen African countries. To date, the virus has killed more than 500 peoplemostly in the DRC.

Earlier this week, the World Health Organization (WHO)declared the monkeypox outbreak in Africa a international health emergency and asked for a coordinated international effort to face the crisis.

Travel advisories for affected areas

This Friday, in a new risk assessment for Europe, the ECDC recommended that the countries of the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEA) issue travel recommendations for people who will visit areas affected by mpox.

“The probability of infection for people from the EU and EEA traveling to affected areas and having close contact with affected communities is alta“ECDC said in a statement. “Furthermore, there is a moderate risk for close contacts of possible or confirmed imported cases in the EU/EEA,” the health agency added.

Two subtypes of the mpox virus

Hay two subtypes of the mpox virus. Clade I, endemic in central Africa, is believed to cause more severe disease and higher mortality than clade II, which causes global mpox outbreak of 2022 and which continues to circulate in EU countries. Multiple African countries are currently dealing with a ‘clade I’ outbreak and a new strain related to it called ‘clade Ib‘.

European health authorities expect a “low” impact on the continent but ask for preparation

The public health agency of Sweden ireported on Sunday the first imported case of ‘clade I’ in Europe. “As a result of the rapid spread of this outbreak in Africa, ECDC has increased the risk level for the general EU/EEA population and travelers to affected areas,” said Pamela Rendi-Wagner, ECDC Director, in a statement.

“Due to the close ties between Europe and Africamust be prepared for more imported clade I cases.” Although European health authorities claim that the impact of ‘clade I’ will be low in Europe, they recommend “high levels of preparedness planning and awareness activities” to treat cases that reach Europe.

This includes a effective surveillancethe realization of evidence and the contact tracing to detect cases of mpox in Europe. The agency also recommends that travelers traveling to areas affected by mpox study the possibility of getting vaccinated.

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