Home Sports A Roman sarcophagus from the 2nd century appears abandoned on a beach...

A Roman sarcophagus from the 2nd century appears abandoned on a beach in Bulgaria


Experts say it is eighteen hundred years old. She presents a face with recent common white paint.


Experts assure that it has one thousand eight hundred years. The top was covered with a cement slab that suggested it had been used as a table. It has a face covered with brush strokes with recent common white paint.

He was rescued in Bulgaria at a Black Sea resort near Varna. He appeared on a beach in San Constantine last month.

They have no doubt: it is authentic

It is not known who got rid of the piece and left it in the middle of the sand, nor the reason. The veteran archaeologist Alexander Minchev He explained: “We are now absolutely certain that this is an authentic sarcophagus from Roman times. Its most general dating is to the 2nd and 3rd century, but some details suggest that perhaps we can assign it more strictly to the 2nd century.”

According to archaeologists, this raises serious questions about the state of conservation of cultural and archaeological heritage in Bulgaria since the legislation is clear.

If something appears it is state property

There is no doubt about the property and destiny of a flattery. Minchev remember that “Any object of archaeological valueregardless of where or when it was found or by whom, belongs to the state“.

The ancient sarcophagus is now for safekeeping and future display at the Varna Archaeological Museumwhere it is undergoing closer examination by archaeologists and historians.

Additional sources • Enrique Barrueco (Voice-over)

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