Home Fight Canelo Dodges of Truckhfh in Truckhfh in crawford, undisputable title, and ‘the...

Canelo Dodges of Truckhfh in Truckhfh in crawford, undisputable title, and ‘the promotion of the great fight


The angels> the upper champion of the jaric jarium caliper alvarez in its reporting conference with him capture the value of the final.

(Credit: Queensberry / ED Mulholland) promotions

Dodging’s questions

It seemed like kill you want to get ancharge on Marketing “the great struggle: Fight, as you call, count, ‘Pone. The true fight large is cane vs. David Benvez, not an elder, non-deghing crawford, that seemed terrible in their debut at 154. You can’t blame to be Long struns as a puppetsaying the Turkish words wanted.

Here is the meeting you want only a reason, although it goes down by two divisions, and being online to cut contenders that have been working for their sudden.

If I’m Turisk is an old-franchise booking what makes is not the old school.

Crawford must have to go up to super wedightweight and Run this small gauntlet To try himself worth a shot title:

– David Benavidez
– igleysias osleys
– David Morer
– Diego Pacheco
– Christian million

If crawford beats all fighting fifths, earned their title against the canele. That’s the school method. The part of that, crawford will not evaluate the opportunity to meet the king of division.

It’s a cocus fight. That’s all you can call. An old man with a gonflated resume takes a year to avoid losing and move two classes of weight to challenge canelo for one time.

Pullen sangi

Alvarez refused to say during the printing conference today for his encloster counter (23-0, 9 Kos) on 3 May in Riyadh either

Todd grisham: It’s “Coulde, everyone knows a potential Showdown with Terems Crawford waits in September. They decided not to have a fight until you are fighting. Why do you take the risk?”

Canelulo alvarez: “I like to be active. We don’t have a fight in September. We fight, and then I will see September struggle. But I focused 100% on William Scull”.

Alushikh turki: “Hello to all. You know, you are comfortable with Cuba, but now I ask me as a fans. There is a lack of you. May 3, you will have to be completed 12 in Vegetas in the big fight (Crawford)? Complete the items (ie, collect the 168-lb’s ibf belt to become a super weblyweight) champion.

Canele: “Hey, man. I’ll see great (canel chooses not to answer the first time of Turki’s first time initiating an early promotion for CellEBRY Fighting CellAbford).”

Turki: “There is a lacking item of you. That belt (Turks points toward their ring-title) Title.”

CANELE: “The belt. I have. I don’t do it.”

Last updated on 03/06/2025


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