Home Fight By moving on “Best Fight the Best ‘: Alalshikh & White’s vision...

By moving on “Best Fight the Best ‘: Alalshikh & White’s vision for the future of the fist


Alalshikh and Ufc President Dana Dana created a new Box Promotion. The format is ‘the best fight, the best.’

Ideally, the new company trank and the white will work with the promises of the promises and eliminate all four Alfabbet Solutions (IBF, WBB, WBB) once forever. Right there make them obsolete. I am

Where do you leave all fights promote from a tontellone’s top point, and golden child promotions? Will they exclude from fighters against the fighters from blue promotion society will think of following a League, UFC? If it will only be like a lege in isolation, probably doesn’t work.


It would be good for the headlights to have a league that deletes the four bodies sanctioning and has a government body collected the fight. However, if a lot of fight is always opting oping of this new Company, go to fragment the sport as well as what is saying.

According to the ring Tweet, plan is for the new company to follow Dana White’s UFC model. For fans following MMA, there are many combatants not with UFC that compete for other promotions.

So if the new white company uses uses the UFC format, they will be put in fight involving their fighters. That might not work in pugilation without a much larger pool of the fighters who could compete. Would be more like professional struggle where there is a small bunch of popular combatants that make up against others often.

For years, we’ve seen how you rarely reflected, if you ever never, collaborate with other promotional promotional businesses to put in the incurred network. The new turchistic company makes the problem still worse?

If this new promotional company only in competition between their ownership among their props for their glasses, if you are slapping fans and don’t improve the sport. The fights will they get celebrity matches. That could affect is whether white dana to portrait their mma mma partner in the departure of Ibride’s and sit on circipitive competitions

Fans are not clear on this new promotion for sport. Will you be a isolated company, as dana’s with the UFC, put it in combat that involved their combatants? In other words, it would be like a league, similar to the American football operated by 1960 to 1960 to 1970 before merry with the NFL.

Last updated 07/05/2025


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