Home Fight Hard drop to Dallas Meverks: Kairi Irving injured

Hard drop to Dallas Meverks: Kairi Irving injured


Guarry Irving Left knee wound on Monday during the Mayverix party against Sacramento Kings, This is a new mismatch for the Dallas team.

“Kairi Irving (Esquinins on the left knee) will not return to the Kings tonight,” the Texon owner said.

With 2.35 in the first quarter, Irving tried to penetrate through the center of the area, and when he was related to the steps, he ended on the ground after the ugly gesture of his left knee.

32 -year -olds received medical treatment without leaving the ground. He was unable to support his leg, and he was openly limited, and the bench’s fellow path helped to Iriv.

However, even if he is clearly injured and cannot be loaded on his feet, he does not want to retire from the game without throwing his two free throws first.

It was a film like Gopi Bryant in 2013, which broke the Achilles tendon, but went to the employee line before leaving the path.

Maverks’ fans thanked the shout “MVP” and he put two free throws.

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