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The nightmare of a British family after the disappearance of a young relative in Tenerife



The father of missing british teenager Jay Slater visited the place where looking for his sonon the Spanish island of Tenerife. Warren Slater has described the situation the family is experiencing as a “nightmare”, while speaking to journalists from a British television station.

“I just hope someone has helped him get off this mountain. That’s all I want, that someone helped him get off this mountain,” she added.

The 19-year-old teenager, who had attended a music festival, He disappeared on Monday after calling his girlfriend and telling her that returned on foot to his accommodation after missing a bus. The return route has been described by experienced hikers as very difficult and could take up to 11 hours to complete.

“I am a sporty person and the descent was difficult for my knees. The climb, halfway up, after having had lunch, having had enough water, having brought hiking poles to support us, was very complicated. “In the end you find yourself in a situation where a war is being waged between the mind and the elements,” she, a hiker who had completed, told a British media outlet. the walk for which Jay Slater was thinking of returning.

In the moment of undertake the marchthe young man had informed a friend of his that he had no water, that I was lost and that his mobile phone had very little battery left.

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