Home Fight By La Hoya: Bivol vs Ben80idez is the fight to do, not...

By La Hoya: Bivol vs Ben80idez is the fight to do, not a trilogia Beterbie


Oscar de la Haya says it will be physically hard on the BIVOL DMITTRIT and ARTER BETERERV if they meet for a trilogic match between them. It says he wants to see it, but you feel it will be hard on weighs weighs.

Favors Favors Favorite Mavol Championship (24-1, 12 k) to defeat the 40s of wetter (21-1, 20 KOS) because I advantage you.

Oscar says he was worried about seeing the knee knee, ring, by moving so much loose as when missing the ability to cut the ring. Still, beterbiev was in the struggle and sought to be in the path when you were caught when he was teaching maivol around the ring three through seven.

Bavividez: A great match

By La Hoya says he would like to see Birivol> its David side Obid, because I show bravery on his part. However, feel that baviduuted (30-0, 24 Kos) beat because of its high output ring the ring of cutting ring.

All the movement that Sivol used to defeat Beterbiev not work in bavidez. He saddled and cut it. Maivol’s promoto, Eddie Sezi, didn’t look interested in Wellcode for him. Unless you change their mind, we’ll probably see Bivol Fighting Bithibev again or Callum Smith.

“I think wellcidez is quite interesting. I think this is a hell of a bavol. He is prepared to batado. He is a fight of a fight. It would be a way to take place. It would be with Benavidez” Said Oscar de la Hoya to Fight hub tv When asked that gain between Bivols Bivol and David Benavidez.

“It’s more intlying when there is here, you know how you don’t think like it’s bindadiz (over bivol). He pulls more fist, it is more active and has better footwork than beterbiev “

Benavidez would be a bad match-up for 34 years bivol because they don’t like to be caught, and it doesn’t stand up in the hard pocket to make damage. We’ve seen what a BeterBieg has done to the Beterbies of the 12th Boy Saturday the Boy of February 22 Had Had Badol Blood and beaten in just that time. Was fell by pressure by Beterbiev. If Bivol has fighting wellavidez, every time it would be like that.

The chances of canele rematch

“There is no way of beat. There is only nothing. Imbossing you and how much I want to see a Hero Boly to Lay Bobon,” he said of La Hoya ak to Vivi to Vivi of Dmitry.

BIVOL SANEL SANEL IN THE FOLDER 7 May, 2022. BIVOL’s size, combination punnching, and the station was very much for the canele. It would be worse for the Mexican star because he gets faster in their fighters and you wouldn’t have the fuel tank to compete for more than two rounds.

“I had bivol since the beginning. I guess you’re getting in know how to add her boxing skills, side of the 22nd of the 22th of the 22nd.” His combinations were disappointed. I only feel that has done the best work.

Trilogy: Physical Toll

“His generality of his ring was better. He knew the best ring and knew of the Beterbieg.” He said of La Hoya when I have to take the trilogy of trilogy. “It’s very hard on my mind.

“I don’t mind who you are finishing, either of the 1950s, 1950s, 195 times a year. Three fighter. Through the back. They are harnessed. They would have, I would love to see a third. Why not?

“I was very worried about Beterbie. I was worrying about two knees of knees. He was very much mechanic. Type as a sleeer, very heavy, so heavy, that was a concern of mine.

“BIVOL started to move side on the side, and the Beterbiev could not close the distance. He also followed you. That’s why Bivol had the upper hand,” said of La Hoya.

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Last updated on 03/01/2025


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