Home Fight Ibf Muy Eliminator Matias vs Royalty live on Dazn

Ibf Muy Eliminator Matias vs Royalty live on Dazn


The night sabbator Mark the boosting promotion boasted mainage ibf super-ebf superior valaszu, rich, direct streaming, streaming stream.

Last time subriel Matias has beaten in its quite good rico, had a performances as suffered the second loss. Now the 32 years of age is defined as you thought to win the winner of Ibf Super-Light Wyt WIK WITH in front of their native crowd.

After stop petos ananyan to the lom to 2022, 140-ferly subrete Matias developed the division reputation. MATIAS has mastering a style of pressure withholding in which he broke their opponents and produces a stoppage in all their wins.

In the 2023, subriarel Matias stopped Jeremas ponce in the 5th of vacant wooden title. A later year, Matias will return to Puerto Rico for the 2nd Defense of their World Title. Unfortunately for Matias, he lost Liam Paro through Unanima decision.

Five months later, subriel MATI Leunted in published a second TKO victory to Roberta over Roberto Gamirez. Now hard crop Matias is basically one step to earn the opportunity to become a two-month world champion.

Looking to play the spoiler’s role is the over 30 years Mexican Boxer Gabriel Gollez Valenzuela. Net at night of March 1, a victory by the Undoglada’s Rovinance of Matias’ Homarcal, and taking the IBF MUNDOT THE COMPANY

Again 2022, Gabriel Gollaz Valenuela makes the Chinese player 140-mounter Montana Love. In the opening of the bout the bout, the love squadly connected with a right hook that has flushed valenzuela.

Valenzuela has beaten in the second time when he has landed a left cheap check that sent love until the cloth. The fight was very competitive, but at the conclusion of the contest of the 12th, earn one unanimous boy, decrease the bout 114-112 in love ghosts.

Then lose Montana Love, Gabriel Gollaz Valenuela would have to place a 5 fight strip. Now it is expected to take part in a career definition match that has world title implications.

Subriel Mati (21-2, 21 Kos) is a fight of present that is considered a shower that is considered a complete, but only one’s one because we will rescue much. Though Mortias is able to give out the bottom of the fight, praying guard, praying their shots, then he could become a painful night.

In order for Valenuela to pull the annoyance, will rob the piam’s paro pear playbook. Valenzuela has to establish their ray, check, box by the outside, use the clinch if MATIZ is inside, and the well-on-footed box. Valenzuela should be patient, disciplined, and is of the person’s responsive through the course of 12 rounds.

Saturday of the March night has made a pivotal battle in PUVERTA Rico between the subriel Matias and Gabriel Gullaze Gullaze. The pervoy of this bout will take a step and the connivie and the winner will be able to challenge the champion of the champion of the UBF Super-Light Work.

Last updated 02/08/2025


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