Home Fight Hearn is nuclear egg attack

Hearn is nuclear egg attack


The Conor Benn, Eddie Harneing, says he wanted to hit Chris Eubank Jr. After eggs with an egg during the conference of today’s hurry because “said”glass ” in his eye.

Shove Story

During the scuffic, Hearn was seen looking in the Ben Shalom Promoter and then brush him. It says he was really trying to get to Eubuk Jr. I didn’t look like that but that’s what it says. Shalom seemed to be innocent way as if it were easy prey when you discard.

Eddie worked, almost frant during the episode, and I couldn’t even calm down after it was interviewed. Says he thinks all the Ebuk JR’s team. was in on, including the promotor shalom. It was all grazily because of me to knew, but he treated him like a tried fact.

“It was dumped around the face with an object in his eye, and are not very happy about it,” Eddie Hearn to The terrain installing About the Conor Benn and his father, Nigel, they are happy with the incidental praise by Chris Eubuk Jr. During the conference of today’s Press.

It was just an egg but hearn couldn’t stop talking. The safe took the trouble to pan the two fighters, so there was nothing beaten about it and blame the whole team. SheMom said he didn’t know anything that IUBUK JR. went, and look at the felony.

The fear “glass” hearn “

“To press the Thursday, we have to have precautions in place and nigello see Ebubank, is on. Now I thought it was glass. He has got anywhere. He has someone to buy an egg. He went up on the stage. All to his team knows what he happens to him, and JBoccal on the face with an egg.

“I haven’t really a fight but I wanted to talk to people because you would know what it will happen. It has to meet you (of the path)”, he said heavy when he’s done Shove Promoper Ben Shalom in SSA. “I wanted to go to Chris Eubek, because I thought it was ab **** Move.

“When you bring something on the stage to hit the face, I have gone to the way you were predicted. I’ve told you with her, and said,” I swear, I didn’t know to that. Eububok is a kind cloudy. That’s what you do, “hearn said.

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