Home Sports The Pope is still critical and slept well with signs of mild...

The Pope is still critical and slept well with signs of mild kidney failure.


The main threat to the Pope’s health is sepsis, a serious blood infection that may arise as pneumonia complications.


According to the Vatican, the Pope slept and rest “on a good night”. Although it is the health of Poniff Follow with symptoms of mild start renal failure in a critical state and.

One weekend with a reserved prediction

88 -year -old Francisco, a Bilateral pneumonia and a complex lung infectionHowever, he was able to join Mass on Sunday. In his last statement, the Vatican said Francisco’s weekend has not recurred any more since the respiratory crisis. Required oxygenA Blood transfusion Y He made a separated prediction.

One weekend prayers

Although doctors say their analysis “Mild kidney failure“They are under control. The main threat to the Pope’s health is a serious blood infection that may arise as a complication of pneumonia.

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